667- Part 2 -Puppy Left In A Box Cried For Help And Then His Luck Changed For The Better

They started to suspect that the pup might have a spinal cord injury affecting his nerves and causing all of that pain.

With this information, the vets could only prescribe him the right medication and hope for the best.

Little Fighter

The pup, now named Lucky, is a true fighter.

Even though he was still unable to get up on his paws, he kept trying to raise his head all on his own so that he could eat some yummy food. And, he eventually did it!

Seeing how much he wanted to get better really brought his rescuers to tears.

And, over time, he was even able to sit!

Throughout the entire process, Lucky was a very compliant and happy pup. He ate all of his meals, listened to his hoomans, and loved playing with them as much as he could.

Now, it was training time!

Every day, Lucky’s hoomans would spend time with him, training and teaching him how to walk.

They would patiently and gently pick him up and place him on his feet, trying to get him to stand all on his own.

Eventually, he got it! Lucky started to walk!

It didn’t take him too long to start running around, exploring everything he saw like the happy puppy he was.

And, his hoomans couldn’t be happier.

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